Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reading Challenge

Reading Challenge!!!!

PYP students accepted a challenge to read 1500 books over a 6 week period (from Sept 17th to Oct 27th) and I am proud to say, we have far surpassed it, infact doubled it and with good measure at 3, 287 book :) This exercise has given us a snapshot of the amount of reading being done in PYP and opened our eyes to the voracious appetitie for books at Indus PYP.
For the higher grades 3-5, book reviews written for books read were counted. Students of these grades have in fact, read more more books that they have not written reviews for. These book reviews are evidence of the students' understanding and their reflections on literature, and one can safely conclude that our students are marching towards improved inferential reading through these consistent practices. For the younger grades, it is heartening to see the large number of books are being read to our little ones, starting in Reception.

Grade 4A,B,C and D with a total of 78 students wrote 413 book reviews in 6 weeks, apart from other books read for the love of reading!!!
Congratulations Grade 4! Well Done!!

Survival cooking!!

Students loved the simple fare of rice and vegetables made in the survival cooking demo and licked it clean:)

Cimbing structures!!

Students taking risks on the climbing structures and testing their mettle!!

Leadership camp

On Dec 1-3, 2010, Grade 4 students left for the hills of Yellagiri to Indus' own Leadership Camp. It was an experience in independance and self reliance as well as peer reliance for our students and an opportunity for experincing life with only the important neccessities.
The rain added an extra element of complexity which most students took in their stride in an impressive manner.
The trek, climbing structures, group games, bonfire, survival cooking demo, dormitory style sleeping arrangements, generally elicited an enthusiastic response from students. The pictures are testimony to that fact:)
Overall the experience was fun, very different from normal routines of most students, and close to nature. We saw many students reaching out and helping their peers in very touching ways.

Click on the following album to view Leadership camp Photos

Leadership Camp


In connection with our Novel - The Diary of ANNE FRANK by Johanna Hurwitz, which was well integrated with our 1st unit 'Rights and responsibilities'
Ben Shaibe, parent of Grade 5 parent Nadav Shaibe, came into share his family's experiences during the WW2 on November 10th 2010. Through his talk, students gained a deeper understanding of the hardships faced by the persecuted communities and the shortages of rations. We thank Ben for, yet again this year, helping braoded our students' horizons on so many related topics, including what is meansto be Jewish.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Leadership Camp Updates

Day1, December 1st: The students arrived later than expected. It was a bit wet and sleeping area was moved indoors. Students spent the evening settling into the area.

Day2, December 2nd: The weather was a bit better. The children took part in trekking, survival cooking, climbing cargo nets and fire cracker structures. They ended the action packed day around a bonfire followed by dinner and then it was off to bed. It was nice to see the day had gone as planned.

Day 3, December 3rd: After breakfast there was a debriefing and the bus headed back to school departing at 10:15. The expected arrival time back to campus is between 2-3 PM.